This research explores the key factors influencing audience preferences for cinema experiences, the relationship between cultural norms and expectations, and the development of a future research model for Saudi cinema audiences. Additionally, strategic insights for stakeholders such as content creators and cinema operators are proposed. The study involved 16 in-depth interviews with Saudi cinema-goers. A semi-structured interview guideline was prepared, and data were analyzed using a three-step coding analysis method to uncover the core themes related to cinema audience preferences, cultural dynamics, and future trends in the entertainment industry. Key factors such as cultural relevance, immersive experiences, and technological integration emerged as critical drivers of audience preferences. The findings highlight the tension between maintaining cultural authenticity and adopting global cinematic influences. The study also proposes a future research model focused on evolving entertainment needs and strategic recommendations for stakeholders to enhance audience engagement and adapt to changing cultural norms. This study offers a unique contribution by addressing the intersection of cultural norms and cinema preferences in a rapidly evolving entertainment landscape. The implications extend to stakeholders within the cinema industry, providing actionable insights to improve content creation, audience engagement, and business strategies in line with audience expectations.